Part of the Forward Education Trust

Events in school

Find out what our children have been learning about and enjoying at Lea Hall Academy...

KS3 trip to MAKEUK

Some of our Key Stage 3 boys have experienced an exciting STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) session at MakeUK this half term! 

MakeUK is at the cutting edge of innovation in Birmingham and provides young people with a range of opportunities for apprenticeship opportunities in their future! They have state-of-the-art training facilities and offer a variety of apprenticeships in engineering and manufacturing.

While our Key Stage 3 boys won’t immediately be moving on to apprenticeships after Lea Hall, this engaging STEM session will open their eyes to what opportunities are available to them moving forward.

This trip is the first step in making connections with employers and further education as a part of our careers programme here at Lea Hall and Miss Yates is confident that with the success of this trip, we’ll be able to provide this opportunity for more children moving forward!

The Manufacturers’ Organisation | Make UK

Red Nose Day for Comic Relief

On Friday 15th March, pupils at Lea Hall Academy came to school dressed in ‘Red’, for red nose day. Both staff and pupils made a voluntary contribution towards the charity and pupils helped to sell red noses across school. All classes had a discussion about charity and the importance of this at a local and at an international level. Collectively we raised £60.01.

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day across the whole school. Each class buddied up with another class to share their personal favourite books. The boys also dressed up as their favourite sporting hero to celebrate the day!

Chinese New Year

Class 1 and 2 have been having lots of fun and learning about the Chinese New Year! This year is the year of the ‘dragon’. Both classes have learnt about the Chinese celebrations and the lead up to the new year. The pupils also had the opportunity to taste different flavoured noodles and describe how these look, taste, feel and smell. The boys loved experimenting with the different flavours.

“I loved all the flavours-they were yummy”! Freddie

“The chicken flavour was my favourite!! Oskar
