Part of the Forward Education Trust

Events in school

Find out what our children have been learning about and enjoying at Lea Hall Academy...

Trip to Birmingham Hippodrome Pantomime – 29th January 2025

We were very lucky to receive tickets for Birmingham Hippodrome’s pantomime ‘Peter Pan’. All the boys thoroughly enjoyed the relaxed performance and have all asked to again next year.

Christmas Celebrations

All students took part in a Christmas jumper day for our Christmas lunch on Wednesday 11th December, which was followed by the Christmas Fayre on the 16th!

Thank you to all the parents, pupils and staff for all your efforts with our Christmas Fayre. Pupils worked hard to create Christmas crafts and helped staff to sell these during the Fayre. Thank you to all the parents who attended. It was a lovely atmosphere!

Judo Competition – 13th December

Some of our boys have been continuing and starting Judo through the lessons we offer here at Lea Hall Academy. These lessons are done by Wayne at WM Judo who is simply fantastic with all the boys. He encourages the boys to implement the eight components of the Judo moral code:

  • COURTESY – To be polite to others
  • COURAGE – To face difficulties with bravery
  • HONESTY – To be sincere with your thoughts and actions
  • HONOUR – To do what is right and stand by your principles
  • MODESTY – To be without ego in your thoughts and actions
  • RESPECT – To show respect for others
  • SELF CONTROL – To be in control of your emotions
  • FRIENDSHIP – To be a good companion and friend

12 of our boys took part in a competition on Friday 13th December where they were very successful, and achieved the following:

Gold – Oskar

Gold – Harvey

Bronze – Dan

Gold – Jack T

Bronze – Kymani

Bronze – Jacob L

Gold – Kaiden G

Bronze – Romeo

Gold – Reekeye

We are extremely proud of the boys for stepping out of their comfort zone to attend this event and to take part.

Forward Thinking Birmingham Workshops

The KS3 boys have taken part in 2 workshops recently a Mental Health Awareness & sleep hygiene workshop. The boys were very reflective and engaged well.

Thank you Forward Thinking Birmingham FTB for delivering the workshop.

Diwali Art Showcase & Children In Need – 15th November

Today, Lea Hall Academy shined bright with our Diwali Art Showcase themed ‘Light’. Each class displayed their unique interpretations, and together, we raised funds for Children In Need. Thank you to all who joined and supported this illuminating event! ✨🧸

Halloween – Spooky Stories & Pumpkin Competition

As part of our reading calendar, on Thursday 24th October, the whole school took part in a pumpkin decorating competition, with bonus points for book themes. These were displayed as part of our ‘Spooky Storytelling Session. One classroom was set up with Halloween decorations, complete with a pumpkin ‘campfire’. Classes joined us for s’more type biscuits and we told spooky stories as well as some very bad spooky jokes. For example; What do you get when you cross a Vampire and a Snowman? Frostbite!

Due to the quality of the pumpkins, it was very difficult to find a winner, so we decided to have a Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 winner.

Pyramids – Funny bones

Colosseum – Harry Potter

The boys thoroughly enjoyed the stories and being involved in a competition.

Keep an eye out for our next reading event!

Sukkot celebrations – W/C 14th October

All classes participated in an interactive assembly, lead by Faith, to learn about the Jewish festival of Sukkot. They explored its history through engaging stories, music, and activities. The highlight was working together to build a “sukkah,” (a temporary hut), deepening their understanding of the festival.

In a follow-up lesson in Class 7 (Lighthouse of Alexandria), the boys researched the importance of gratitude in Sukkot. Inspired by this, they made Waterfall Greeting Cards where they wrote multiple messages of gratitude. This creative task helped reinforce the key themes of thankfulness and reflection.

Class 2 & 3 made unleavened bread in recognition of the Jewish festival Sukkot. As you can see the boys have done a great job making their own dough, then rolling it out. They then cooked the bread in a frying pan with a little spray of sunflower oil.

Lea Hall vs Hallmoor football match – KS3/KS4 – 11th October 2024

On Friday 11th October, our Year 9 football team played their first game of the season against Hallmoor Key Stage 3/4 boys. Harvey gave Lea Hall the lead with a great finish, when Hallmoor equalised just before half time. In the second half we saw many chances saved by the goalkeepers, who were on top form. Mid way through the second half Harvey used his quick feet to beat a defender, round the goalkeeper from a tight angle for his second. All the boys performed brilliantly, commanded by Reekye, however Harvey’s two goals and an all round performance clinched him the man of the match.

Lea Hall vs Hallmoor football match – KS2 – 4th October 2024

Our Key Stage 2 team played against Hallmoor on Friday 4th October. It was played in great spirit, infront of a full sports hall. All the boys performed extremely well in a very competitive game. The stand out player for Lea Hall was Jayden, who scored an overhead kick to win the game, leaving everyone in raptures.

Lea Hall Minibus Delivery – 24th September 2024

Today we had a very exciting delivery at Lea Hall Academy…. our new minibus was delivered to us and the students were thrilled to explore the new addition straight away!

Summer Fayre

We celebrated our school summer fayre on Monday 15th July. It was a great fun for all involved. We had so many stalls everyone was spoilt for choice! Some of the favourites where the bouncy castles, face painting, henna, slushy drinks, ice cream stall and the chocolate fountain. We also had an outstanding Judo display from several of our boys. Our lovely school events planner, Ms Bibi planned the most wonderful Summer Fayre for all of our children and their families to enjoy!

Awards Assemblies KS2 & KS3

Both KS2 & KS3 had awards assemblies this term. It was so lovely to see the boys have something to look forward too and something to reward them for their hard work. The awards included Most Improved in Reading & communication, Most Improved in Numeracy & Problem solving, Most Improved in Independence, Kindness & Working together and Creativity. We also gave out our JASS awards and attendance awards for the academic year.

Parent Phonics workshop with Ms Pack & Heena

This half term we have had three parental workshops based around phonics and early reading. Parents have found these useful as they have given hints and tips on how to support the children at home. One session focussed on using quality books with the children. Parents joined their children in the classroom to share some wonderful stories and show off their English work. Look out for further workshops next term!

Student First Aid Workshop

Our KS3 pupils had the opportunity to take part in street first aid delivered by St Johns ambulance. This session offered students vital skills designed to help themselves or someone in the community. Our students in upper KS2 and KS3 also took part in a workshop called ‘Precious lives’.  This workshop gave our students a better understanding of the dangers of knife crime and hopefully helped them to start making the right choices as they move forward in their lives.

Class 4 Trip to Meriden Park

Class 4 made an educational trip to Meriden Park. In the forest school, students worked well in a team to build impressive shelters. The class had the opportunity to explore the woodland, identify different flora and go for a bug hunting. The woodworking activity involved working safely with a bowsaw and a drill and making their own unique medallion. Everyone was welcome to have a go in a hammock as a reward after their efforts. In the afternoon, the class engaged in team building games and had a lot of fun in the play area of the park. What a marvellous time we all had!

 This is what some of the students thought of their experience:

Jack: “Twenty out of ten!”

Manny: “I give it a 9.7 because if I give it a 9.9, it would be almost a 10. I liked that at the end me, Romeo and Cody were playing in the playground. And I enjoyed climbing.”

John: “My favourite part was the battle arena and the swing.”

Romeo: “My favourite part was when Manny and I chased each other with the ball and Cody joined us.”  

KS3 Residential – Inspiring Learning Staffordshire (Kingswood)

Some of our KS3 boys went on a 3 day residential for Inspiring Learning Staffordshire (Kingswood) at the start of July. They took part in Archery, Climbing, Creating a Campfire, Obstacle course, Zip line and so much more! So many of the boys overcame fears whilst on their trip and excelled in showing their teambuilding skills, resilience and determination. Here’s a selection of photos from the visit!

Sports Day

The sports day events were thoroughly enjoyed by all the children and it was great to see fantastic support from our parents. A special mention to the boys from class 9, who officiated and demonstrated the events for the younger boys, displaying maturity and leadership skills. Sports Day gave our boys a brilliant opportunity to experience different athletic events and have that friendly competitive element, performing in front of others. Well done is also in order to all the KS3 boys, who took part in the sports day during their lessons.

Judo Competition

Some of our boys took part in a Judo Competition where they all placed in their Category. Reekeye 1st, Jack 2nd and Dan 3rd! This was an amazing achievement for all of the boys and we are really proud of their efforts throughout their training and performance!

Reward Trip to Drayton Manor

Some of our boys decided to spend their reward points, for good work and behaviour in class, on a trip to Drayton Manor. They thoroughly enjoyed their time in the park and staff members were approached by members of the public to say how well behaved and polite all the boys were.

School Music Concert

On Wednesday 8th May our students took part in a music concert, some bravely performed live to an audience and others showcased their music. The boys who weren’t involved thoroughly enjoyed watching. We are all very proud of all performers!

Year 5 & 6 Football Team

Our Key Stage 2 team played against Hallmoor Key Stage 3 team, winning 4-2. It was a very competitive game with Lea Hall taking a 2-nil lead into half time. Hallmoor fought back, but with Harvey leading from the front, showing a great all-round match winning performance, Leahall held on in the end. We are very proud of all the team, who worked hard as a unit and deserved to win. 

Eid Celebration Day

On Thursday 25th April the whole school celebrated Eid! All students were involved with activities such as, taste testing foods like samosas, onion bhajis and curry’s and they took part in art classes focusing on mosques, prayer mats and henna designs. Our school kitchen also cooked traditional Asian food to celebrate the day.


As part of their Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS), Class 7B came up with a meal that they wanted to cook, work out what ingredients were needed and how they would manage this with a budget of £10. With this project the boys formed life skills of budgeting and collecting the ingredients from the shop for their chosen meal. The boys decided to cook Chicken Fajitas and were very successful in their trip and cooking!

Year 9 football team

On Friday 23rd February our Year 9 boys played against Hallmoor Year 9 team beating them convincingly. All of the boys from the Lea Hall team played with confidence and as a collective unit. They also played against Hallmoor’s year 10/11 team on Friday 15th March. It was a very fast paced and competitive game, with Hallmoor School taking a 2-0 lead at half-time. Lea Hall fought back in the second half with getting a goal back but found it difficult to get past the opposition goalkeeper, who was in great form. Well done to all the boys for playing the games in such great spirit


As mentioned in the last Newsletter we have now Introduced the Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS) into Lea Hall and pupils in class 5 have held a Bake Off as a part of their work towards the award! The boys worked hard to produce their best bakes and the Pastoral team had the envious task of judging their efforts.


A ‘Go for Gold’ reward trip was enjoyed by all of Class 1 as they attended an inflatable area where they thoroughly enjoyed playing for a few hours and had lunch. This was a reward for achieving 1200 ‘Go for Gold’ points through effort and hard work in their class.


Inflatanation Stechford Invited some of our students over to come and enjoy a free bounce. The session was exclusive to the students here at Lea Hall Academy and they had a fabulous time. Inflatanation likes to support the local community by offering a safe space for young people to offload. Thank you Inflatanation for having our boys over.

KS3 trip to MAKEUK

Some of our Key Stage 3 boys have experienced an exciting STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) session at MakeUK this half term! 

MakeUK is at the cutting edge of innovation in Birmingham and provides young people with a range of opportunities for apprenticeship opportunities in their future! They have state-of-the-art training facilities and offer a variety of apprenticeships in engineering and manufacturing.

While our Key Stage 3 boys won’t immediately be moving on to apprenticeships after Lea Hall, this engaging STEM session will open their eyes to what opportunities are available to them moving forward.

This trip is the first step in making connections with employers and further education as a part of our careers programme here at Lea Hall and Miss Yates is confident that with the success of this trip, we’ll be able to provide this opportunity for more children moving forward!

The Manufacturers’ Organisation | Make UK

Red Nose Day for Comic Relief

On Friday 15th March, pupils at Lea Hall Academy came to school dressed in ‘Red’, for red nose day. Both staff and pupils made a voluntary contribution towards the charity and pupils helped to sell red noses across school. All classes had a discussion about charity and the importance of this at a local and at an international level. Collectively we raised £60.01.
